Thursday, December 2, 2010
SUGAR: The sweetest poison.
So a few of you have wanted me to post something about sugar and what it does to our bodies (I know a few chocoholics out there that are wanting to kick their habit). I know once reading this, you will still probably reach for the cookie jar or the chocolate box over Christmas time, but at least you will be making a more educated decision of what you are putting into your body (me included).
I don't think there is any controversy about the fact that sugar is not good for you. But do you know WHY sugar is bad for you?
Most of us have seen white granulated sugar all of our lives, but what makes it bad for us? Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, sugar (or sucrose) is a carbohydrate. Sucrose is made up of two simpler sugars, fructose and glucose.
Sucrose is also naturally in plants, including fruit. There IS a difference between naturally occurring sucrose in plants and the sucrose found in granulated sugar or the high fructose corn syrup often used to sweeten processed foods.
Both granulated sugar and high fructose corn syrup go through a refining process...they are called "empty calories" because they offer no nutritional value. In addition, they are addictive and rob your body of energy and health.
Energy created from sugar ingested into the body is one of the good ones. Humans need energy to function and the best sugars for this are ones listed on the glycemic index with a low rating. These sugars are let into the blood stream at a slower absorption rate which is healthy for the human body.
The bad and ugly news associated with sugars is that most are processed into all kinds of foods humans eat. These sugars often carry a high glycemic index rating which means that the sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream faster. This causes the pancreas (the organ which maintains sugar levels in the body) to give off insulin. Insulin is used to drop the blood-sugar levels in the body. Not only does this fluctuation in blood-sugar levels put stress on the human body but it also can lead to diabetes, increased chance of coronary disease and also interfere with the absorption of calcium and magnesium into the human body.
Here some of the dangers of consuming sugar:
1. Feeds candida
2. Promotes wrinkling and aging skin
3. Makes your blood acidic
4. Can lead to osteoporosis
5. Rots your teeth
6. Raises your blood sugar level
7. Contributes to obesity
8. Is addictive (almost as much as drugs)
9. Can create the urge to binge
10. Provides 'empty calories' with no nutritional value
11. Contributes to diabetes
12. Robs your body of minerals
13. Robs you of energy
14. Contributes to heart problems
15. Can cause cancer
16. Contributes to ulcers
17. Can cause gallstones
18. Contributes to adrenal fatigue
19. Can suppress your immune system18
20. Raises the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin19
21. Weakens eyesight
22. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).
23. Can cause aging
24. Can contribute to eczema
25. Can cause arthritis
So, after reading the affects it can have on your health and your well being, how much sugar will you be having today?
Why not cut sugar out for a week and see the benefits it has on your alertness, your digestion, your skin and your cravings. Trust me, its not easy. The first couple of days you will have withdrawals, possible headaches and irritability, but once you have killed the cravings, your body will thank you.
To read more about cutting out sugar visit this blog:
Or click here to read the Article- Sugar: The sweetest Poison.
peace & love
Monday, November 22, 2010
Can you say YO-GA?
Yoga: what an amazing way to start the day. If someone was to ask what my hobbies are, I’d have to include Yoga in and amongst the other energetic activities I participate in...........although to tell you the truth I’m not a 100% dedicated Yogi. Squeezing in the odd Yoga class at my local fitness first once a week (or fortnight) is not my ideal way to develop my practice. The key word here being “practice”.
I have wanted to continue with my yoga practice the last couple of months but finding time in between boot camp, dancing, tennis, swimming and oh yes that thing we call work I was finding it hard to squeeze another extra-curricular activity in my already jam-packed schedule. Thanks to I bought a $49 unlimited 3 month yoga pass which is exactly what I needed to get me back in the swing of it. 6am this morning and I was down-ward facing dog in a 30 degree warmed room at BODYMINDLIFE in Surry Hills.
What can I say, I feel freaking amazing after the 1.5 hour class of stretching, breathing, meditating and definitely sweating. Coming from someone that is highly active I would rate the difficulty of the class as medium. I did attempt the Bakasana crow pose and wheel pose (pictured below) and held them both for a bout 5 seconds before I came crashing down onto my mat along with my ego lol.
Looking forward to getting the most out of the next 3 months and hopefully can hold some weird and wonderful positions by the time February rolls around….
Right in time for my South American adventure. A post coming soon about the up and coming trip!
Peace & Love
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Beauty is really skin deep
Want to know what’s in your beauty & cosmetic products that you are putting on your skin everyday??
Skin Deep is a safety guide to cosmetics and personal care products brought to you by researchers at the Environmental Working Group.
I have just gone through my entire bathroom cupboard checking ingredient by ingredient on the cosmetics database website to see what types of toxins I am putting on my skin everyday. And slowly one by one I am switching my products to a more organic- skin friendly product. You can either search by brand or by individual ingredient. Each ingredient is scored by low, moderate and high hazardous warnings.
It’s shocking to see that some of the everyday products like shampoo and hand soap have some of the highest toxicity levels that cause sickness like cancer and birth deformities.
Click on the below link today to check what types of toxins you are putting on your skin.
Its all about making an educated decision for you and your families health & well being.
Peace & love
Sunday, October 31, 2010
TOXIC BEAUTY: How Cosmetics and Personal-Care Products Endanger Your Health And What You Can Do About It
Toxic Beauty by Dr. Samuel Epstein, a former professor of environmental health and chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. It's juicy reading. You may never look at your deodorant in the same way. See below summary of the main points in the book.
• How ironic that 10 of the 12 products in Look Good, Feel Better beauty kits for cancer survivors were found to have traces of carcinogens. A carcinogen is defined as a chemical that causes cancer in mice, rats or directly in humans. Some also had parabens, which disrupt the normal hormone processes of your body. There are two types of carcinogens: “Frank” carcinogens include more than 40 substances, which can be listed on products. “Hidden” carcinogens includes around 30 substances, and aren’t listed at all. They “hide” in other ingredients. For eg: lanolin, which is derived from sheep’s wool and is used on babies’s skin and the nipples of nursing mothers, is commonly contaminated by DDT-like carcinogenic pesticides.
• Nearly one out of every two men and more than one out of every three women will get cancer in their lifetime. Epstein argues that the cosmetics and personal care product industries bear significant responsibility for this health crisis. Every day at least 3 personal care products are applied to the skin of infants and children. Men use an average of 10, and women use 6 or more cosmetics and an average of 13 personal care products each day. If you add up all the individual ingredients in each of these products, you discover that you expose yourself to dozens of toxins daily. Unlike US consumers, German, Austrian and Swiss shoppers can look at a product label and identify toxic ingredients. Beauty products remain unregulated by the FDA, and it’s up to the consumer to protect their own health.
• These products are dangerous because our skin is highly permeable. What we put on our skin effects our health just as much as, if not more, than what we put in our mouths. Horst Rechelbacher, CEO of Intelligent Nutrients, says: “Don’t put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t put in your mouth.” Toxic ingredients applied to the skin bypass liver enzymes and enter the blood circulation and body organs. Exposure to toxic ingredients is prolonged—ingredients in a roll-on deodorant can persist for extended periods.
• “Penetration enhancers,” like nanoparticles, make skin even more permeable. Penetrating agents force anti-wrinkle cream, moisturizers and other ingredients deep into the skin, where they can reach the bloodstream and the entire body, with unpredictable effects. Penetration enhancers improve the body’s absorption of ingredients, which can be dangerous if there are toxins present. Harsh detergents like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), hydroxy acids like Glycolic Acid and Salicylic Acid, and sunscreens like Bp-3 or Oxybenzone are all penetration enhancers.
• Parabens—a group of chemical preservatives—were invented in the 1920s. They were inserted into products for their anti-microbial effects, and soon became popular. At the same time, phthalates—an odorless and colorless group of chemical compounds—were added to cosmetics and personal care items to increase their flexibility and stabilize fragrances.
• Parabens and phthalates are hormone disrupters: These chemicals imitate the effects of natural hormones produced by the human body’s endocrine system. The endocrine glands—the adrenal glands, pancreas, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, ovaries and testicles—produce hormones essential to human growth, development and metabolism. The body mistakes these synthetic chemicals for its own hormones, and natural processes are disrupted. (Lavender and tea tree oil are also classified as “hormone disrupters.”)
• Phthalates to look out for: DEHP (di-ethylhexyl phthalate), DEP (diethyl phthalate), and DBP (di-n-butyl phthalate). Because phthalates have becomes so prevalent, we have countless opportunities to absorb them every day. They’re in room fresheners, fragrances, deodorants and hairsprays. In 2000, the EU banned two phthalates—DBP and DEHP—from all beauty products sold because they were suspected of being a threat to health. There are many links between phthalates and reproductive abnormalities. One 2006 study at an infertility clinic found that the men with the lowest sperm count had the highest levels of the phthalate DBP in their blood.
• It’s been estimated that women are exposed to as much as 50mg of parabens daily just from cosmetics and personal care products (they also occur in food and pharmaceuticals). One study showed the parabens in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer, possibly originating from their use of underarm deodorants or anti-perspirants.
• Another area of concern are “Common Allergens,” which cause an allergic reaction in many people. In lipstick: Castor oil, colophony, certain pigments, preservatives, propyl gallate. In mascara and eye shadows: colophony, preservatives and pigments. In face creams and shaving products: Propylene glycol (PEG).
• Under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, manufacturers are required to list, in descending order of quantity, the ingredients of every beauty item on its product label. Fragrances are generally exempt from labeling requirements, under trade secrecy laws, which means ingredients like phthalates are not disclosed. Also products sold to salons, designated as “For Professional Use Only” do not need to have their chemical ingredients labeled.
• Terms like “hypoallergenic,” “fragrance free,” and “safe for sensitive skin,” have no real meaning under the law. Manufacturers are not required to do any skin testing to validate such claims, nor do these claims need to be proven. A 1999 study on the Calvin Klein fragrance Eternity revealed 41 toxic ingredients in various concentrations, including allergens and carcinogens. The FDA ignored the results. The author wonders whether the fact the US is a leading innovator in adding fragrances to products is also echoed in the rise of asthma.
• Mothers pass on the burdens of synthetic chemicals to their unborn children during gestation. A 2005 European study of umbilical cord blood detected eight groups of contaminants, including fragrances and synthetic musk, used to replace natural aromas in cosmetics, in many of the samples. Also discovered in 24 of 27 samples was the most common phthalate, DEHP. The report referred to numerous studies linking premature breast development in girls younger than 8-years-old and the concentration of DEHP in their blood.
• Similarly, there is research suggesting that phthalates affect the sexual development of young boys. Also found in half the cord sample was triclosan, an antibacterial ingredient in toothpaste, deodorant, antibacterial soaps and cosmetics. Lab studies on rats have demonstrated that triclosan is toxic to normal liver enzymes. Like parabens, triclosan is another type of preservative. It’s been linked to allergies, asthma and eczema. It has also been linked to increasing resistant to a range of antibiotics, used to treat infectious disease.
• Ovarian cancer has escalated. Author points to the use of talcum powder, and its application to the genital area, whether directly or via application to sanitary pads, tampons and diaphragms. One publication, in 1992, said that frequent use of talc “increases a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer threefold.” Author suggests organic corn starch powder as a safe alternative.
• Lipstick: Most brand-name lippies have detectable levels of lead that can be toxic. Lead affects the nervous system, and babies born with lead exposure that occurred in the womb can develop complications, including decreased attention span, lowered IQ, seizures, aggressiveness and even brain damage.
• Whitening agents: Titaminium Dioxide loose powder is used as a whitening agent in facial powders, and is a carcinogen. Ironically it still turns up in “natural” or “mineral” lines. Whiteners often contain cortisone and hydroquinone (the carcinogen banned in Europe).
• Nail polishes: Frequently contain toxic ingredients like formaldehyde (carcinogen); toluene (petrochemical solvent); DBP (the phthalate, dibutyl phthalate) which has been linked to birth defects and reproductive problems) plus parabens and other phthalates. Many companies like OPI have phased these ingredients out.
• Mascara: Many brands use mercury as a preservative and germ killer. Mercury is known to retard brain development in children, and to cause neurological damage in adults who experience high or low-term exposure.
• Sunscreens: Sunscreens wrongly encourage people to stay in the sun longer than they should, and have ingredients that have hormonal effects. Example: Oxybenzone, which has been shown to having feminizing effects on male babies. Sunblocks are better—they block long-wave ultra-violet light (UVA). But sunblocks invariably contain titanium oxide or zinc oxide. These are safe but manufacturers now use nanoparticle versions of them, which pose unpredictable risks.
• An Australian government agency estimated that about 70% of sunblocks that have titanium dioxide and 30% of sunscreens that contain zinc oxide contain them in nanoparticle form. Nanotechnology is viewed with skepticism by consumer watchdogs and researchers. The presence of nanoparticles is sometimes indicated by phrases like “ultra-fine” or “micro-fine.”
• Cosmeceuticals: Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are skin irritants, increase the risk of sunburn, and can lead to swelling. They’re especially pointless in sunscreens. Retinoids, antioxidants (like vitamins B-5 C, E etc), botanicals (natural plant extracts) are not dangerous, but not particularly effective according to the author. Peptides are chains of amino acids often used in anti-wrinkle products. Peptides are often paired with a penetration enhancer to drive them deep into the skin, which means they can pose a serious threat.
• Shampoo/conditioner: What produces all the foam and lather? Usually one of the harsh detergents: Sodium lauryl sulfate or one of its related ingredients. SLS and other ethoxylate detergents—myreth, oleth, laureth, ceteareth, or any “eth” ingredient—in addition to polyethylene glycol (PEG), polyethylene, polyoxyethlene, or oxynol, are invariably contaminated with high concentrations of the volatile and carcinogenic ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane. Ethylene oxide is a potent carcinogen which induces brain, breast and lung cancer in rodents. Other carcinogenic contaminants include acrylates. Diethanolamine (DEA) is a common ingredient in shampoo, and readily reacts with nitrite preservatives or contaminants to create a potent carcinogen.
• Deodorant: Aluminium chloride is a hormone disrupter, linked by some to breast cancer. Even deodorants that are aluminium-free still contain deithanolamine (DEA) a carcinogen, and parabens.
• Toothpaste: Fluoride can be highly toxic, while some contain lead. The Palo Alto-based American Environmental Safety Institute, invoking California’s Proposition 65 (a landmark consumer health initiative statute passed by voters that requires warnings be given to consumers about the presence of hazardous chemicals in the products purchased in CA), found high levels of lead in almost all toothpaste products, especially Crest toothpaste in 2005. Procter & Gamble settled the lawsuit and agreed to reduce the lead leads of toothpaste sold in CA.
• Soap and liquid cleanser: In addition to parabens and phthalates, many antibacterial soaps contain triclosan, that goes on to contaminate rivers, lakes and waterways. Triclocarban, which also occurs in hand soap, is a hormone disrupter.
• Fragrances: Author says better to avoid all unless they are labeled, “contains no known allergens.” The Belgium-based, non-profit Perfume Foundation is working on a seal of approval for non-toxic perfumes and related products.
• Alternatives: Safe alternatives to parabens (that work as preservatives) include: chlorophenesin, phenoxy-ethanol, and caprylyl glycol. Phthalates are the most commonly used solvents, but cosmetic-grade petroleum distillate (or petroleum jelly) is just as effective. Ethoxylate detergents, in shampoos and cleansers, can be purified of their hidden carcinogens through vacuum- and steam-stripping. Organic ingredients like coconut and babassu palm and their sulfates are safe, effective detergent alternatives.
So what are you putting on your skin today?
xx Pee-jay
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Choose your attitude
The common meeting point of various theories is that emotons cause a noticeable physcial change in the body. These physcial chnages can be percieved as body sensations. For example, fear causes an increase in heartbeat and happiness induces an expansive feeling int he chest and a feeling of lightness. Your attitude towards life events and cognitive abilites largely determines your reponse and feeling. A positive mental attidute is a very good insurance against temperametnal mod and can ensure good physcial and emotional health.
So today, take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
Have a great weekend
peace & love from pee-jay
Thursday, October 21, 2010
pee-jay ♥'s Inner Smile Meditation
Want to feel amazing all day long? Want to be happy from when you get up till you hit the sack in the evening? No it’s not a drug and no you won’t experience any come down after and its FREE! Too good to be true?? Its called the Inner Smile mediation practice and its so easy to do!
Based on Taoist Meditation practice, the inner smile meditation is a simple yet profound meditation that is quite natural to many people.
It is centered on generating the generous qualities of a genuine smile that we usually offer to others. The inner smile is an opportunity to offer a smile to oneself. It can be done in a seated meditation session or in the midst of daily life.
1.Sit comfortably, either on a straight-backed chair, or on the floor. The important thing is for your spine to be in an upright position, and your head arranged to allow the muscles of your neck and throat to feel relaxed.
2.Take a couple of deep, slow breaths, noticing how your stomach rises with each inhalation, then relaxes back toward your spine with each exhalation. Let go of thoughts of past or future.
3.Rest the tip of your tongue gently on the roof of your mouth, somewhere behind, and close to, your upper front teeth. You'll find the spot that feels perfect.
4.Smile gently, allowing your lips to feel full and smooth as they spread to the side and lift just slightly. This smile should be kind of like the Mona Lisa smile, or how we might smile - mostly to ourselves - if we had just gotten a joke that someone told us several days ago: nothing too extreme, just the kind of thing that relaxes our entire face and head, and makes us start to feel good inside.
5.Now bring your attention to the space between your eyebrows (the "Third Eye" center). As you rest your attention there, energy will begin to gather. Imagine that place to be like a pool of warm water, and as energy pools there, let your attention drift deeper into that pool - back and toward the center of your head.
6. Let your attention rest now right in the center of your brain - the space equidistant between the tips of your ears. This is a place referred to in Taoism as the Crystal Palace - home to the pineal, pituitary, thalamus and hypothalamus glands. Feel the energy gathering in this powerful place.
7. Allow this energy gathering in the Crystal Palace to flow forward into your eyes. Feel your eyes becoming "smiling eyes." To enhance this, you can imagine that you're gazing into the eyes of the person who you love the most, and they're gazing back at you ... infusing your eyes with this quality of loving-kindness and delight.
8. Now, direct the energy of your smiling eyes back and down into some place in your body that would like some of this healing energy. It might be a place where you've recently had an injury or illness. It might be a place that just feels a little numb or "sleepy," or simply some place you've not recently explored. In any case, smile down into that place within your body, and feel that place opening to receive smile-energy.
9. Continue to smile into that place within your body, for as long as you'd like ... letting it soak up smile-energy like a sponge soaks up water.
10. When this feels complete, direct your inner gaze, with its smile-energy, into your navel center, feeling warmth and brightness gathering now in your lower belly.
11. Release the tip of your tongue from the roof of your mouth, and release the smile (or keep it if it now feels natural).
When you are ready, bring your hands together and complete your meditation with a moment of gratitude, reflection, or prayer to seal the energy of your meditation into your life. Remember that you can cultivate the inner smile anytime throughout the day to fill the heart with compassion.
Peace & Love & Happiness
Xx Pee-jay
Monday, October 18, 2010
Pee-jay hearts Vitamin D
So summer is almost here and I cannot wait to get outside and begin to absorb as much vitamin D from the sunshine and work up a nice little tropical tan- something resembling the likes of Jessica Alba!
But after some extensive reading up on the not so great things about using sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun, I have decided to yet again switch to an organic alternative of sunscreen.
As you may know, wearing a sunscreen on your uncovered skin blocks your body's production of vitamin D. In fact, sunscreens reduce vitamin D production by as much as 97.5 to 99.9%. And interfering with your body's production of vitamin D by 97.5 to 99.9% may have dire health consequences.
After all, vitamin D plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. For example, this superb vitamin is known to:
• Support your cardiovascular health
• Promote optimal cholesterol levels
• Enhance your muscle strength
• Help produce optimal blood pressure levels
• Help maintain a healthy immune system
• Support healthy kidney function
• Promote healthy teeth
• Help keep your bones strong and healthy
Please understand -- this list of important benefits represents a tiny fraction of the ways vitamin D keeps you healthy and fit. And, although you can get vitamin D from natural food sources, experts agree on one thing- Natural Sunlight is Far and Away the Best Way to Get Your Vitamin D!
Little do we know that sunscreen we lather on ourselves and our kids contain high toxic chemicals that can and do cause serious health problems.
Dr.Mercola explains that the main chemical used in sunscreens to filter out ultraviolet B light is octyl methoxycinnamate. OMC for short. OMC was found to kill mouse cells even at low doses. Plus, it was also shown to be particularly toxic when exposed to sunshine. And guess what? OMC is present in 90 percent of sunscreen brands! But that's not the half of it. A common ultraviolet A filter, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, has also demonstrated toxic properties.
Furthermore, several studies show that the chemicals commonly used in sunscreens are absorbed through the skin and end up circulating in your blood stream. Not so good. So... If Your Sunscreen Contains Any of
• Para amino benzoic acid...
• Octyl salicyclate...
• Avobenzone...
• Oxybenzone...
• Cinoxate...
• Padimate O...
• Dioxybenzone...
• Phenylbenzimidazole...
• Homosalate...
• Sulisobenzone...
• Menthyl anthranilate...
• Trolamine salicyclate...
• Octocrylene...
I would throw them out and I highly recommend you switch to a formula that is safe and healthy for your skin.
Potentially harmful chemicals such as dioxybenzone and oxybenzone (two chemicals mentioned) are some of the most powerful free radical generators known to man!
Click here to read more about the caveats of Sunscreen and a Natural alternative available from Dr.Mercola. Ive tried and tested it and it is a beautiful formula, smells great and absorbs into the skin without any oily residue.
Peace & love
But after some extensive reading up on the not so great things about using sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun, I have decided to yet again switch to an organic alternative of sunscreen.
As you may know, wearing a sunscreen on your uncovered skin blocks your body's production of vitamin D. In fact, sunscreens reduce vitamin D production by as much as 97.5 to 99.9%. And interfering with your body's production of vitamin D by 97.5 to 99.9% may have dire health consequences.
After all, vitamin D plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. For example, this superb vitamin is known to:
• Support your cardiovascular health
• Promote optimal cholesterol levels
• Enhance your muscle strength
• Help produce optimal blood pressure levels
• Help maintain a healthy immune system
• Support healthy kidney function
• Promote healthy teeth
• Help keep your bones strong and healthy
Please understand -- this list of important benefits represents a tiny fraction of the ways vitamin D keeps you healthy and fit. And, although you can get vitamin D from natural food sources, experts agree on one thing- Natural Sunlight is Far and Away the Best Way to Get Your Vitamin D!
Little do we know that sunscreen we lather on ourselves and our kids contain high toxic chemicals that can and do cause serious health problems.
Dr.Mercola explains that the main chemical used in sunscreens to filter out ultraviolet B light is octyl methoxycinnamate. OMC for short. OMC was found to kill mouse cells even at low doses. Plus, it was also shown to be particularly toxic when exposed to sunshine. And guess what? OMC is present in 90 percent of sunscreen brands! But that's not the half of it. A common ultraviolet A filter, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, has also demonstrated toxic properties.
Furthermore, several studies show that the chemicals commonly used in sunscreens are absorbed through the skin and end up circulating in your blood stream. Not so good. So... If Your Sunscreen Contains Any of
• Para amino benzoic acid...
• Octyl salicyclate...
• Avobenzone...
• Oxybenzone...
• Cinoxate...
• Padimate O...
• Dioxybenzone...
• Phenylbenzimidazole...
• Homosalate...
• Sulisobenzone...
• Menthyl anthranilate...
• Trolamine salicyclate...
• Octocrylene...
I would throw them out and I highly recommend you switch to a formula that is safe and healthy for your skin.
Potentially harmful chemicals such as dioxybenzone and oxybenzone (two chemicals mentioned) are some of the most powerful free radical generators known to man!
Click here to read more about the caveats of Sunscreen and a Natural alternative available from Dr.Mercola. Ive tried and tested it and it is a beautiful formula, smells great and absorbs into the skin without any oily residue.
Peace & love
Monday, October 11, 2010
Pee-jay hearts organic skincare
After reading how many of our skincare and cosmetic products can contain harsh toxic chemicals like Sodium laurel sulfate, parabens and mineral oil, I decided to switch over to organic skin care. You see, your skin is not only your largest organ – it’s also the thinnest. Only 1/10th of an inch separates you from all sorts of toxins. Your skin is highly permeable, allowing what you apply to your skin access to your bloodstream (and thereby to the rest of your body)… Taking a look at the ingredients listing of your shampoo bottle or your facial cleanser can raise the alarm bells about what you are actually putting on your skin and absorbing into your blood stream.
I am a regular subscriber of Dr.Mecola’s newsletter which updates their subscribers with everything from animal cruelty to the pharmaceutical epidemic in the USA. After reading the ingredients listing of his skincare range, I decided to order a full set of skincare. With a 90 day satisfaction returns policy- why not?
After using the skincare range for 2 weeks, I am in love. The citrus cleanser can remove make-up and leaves your skin feeling soft with a natural glow not to mention the sweet orange oil smell is amazing. The Sugar Exfoliator is AWESOME! It scrubs away all of the dry skin and moisturises from essential oils at the same time. The Cupuacu Day Moisturiser is light and absorbs easily into the skin, not leaving any oily residue. The Organic Eye and Lines Treatment provides the daily nourishment needed to help minimise the signs of those early wrinkles that you just do not want to succumb too.
So go grab your containers of skin care products and check the ingredients listing…..if your unable to determine most of the ingredients its probably correct to say that you do not want those chemicals absorbed into your bloodstream….
For further reading on organic skincare from Dr.Mercola click here.
Peace, Love & Happiness from Pee-jay
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Pee-jay ♥s Peak 8
The Outstanding Health Benefits of Peak 8 Exercises (from Dr Mercola)
Peak 8 exercises will save you a tremendous amount of time because you’ll be able to cut your hour- or longer cardio workout down to a total of 20 minutes or so, and that’s including your warm-up, recovery time, and cool down.
The actual sprinting portion of the exercises only takes four minutes!
Once you regularly do Peak 8 exercises about twice a week and are following well-rounded workout routine, incorporating stretching, core work and strength training, along with consuming the right fuel for your body, you’ll notice that you have:
* Lower body fat
* Improved muscle tone
* Firmer skin and less wrinkles
* Have more energy and sexual desire
* Enhanced athletic speed and performance
* Achieved your fitness goals much faster
Peak 8 exercises may also help fight the signs of aging by naturally stimulating the release of human growth hormone (HGH), which is KEY for strength, health, and longevity. The higher your levels of HGH, the healthier and stronger you're going to be.
However, as you reach your 30s, you enter a phase called somatopause, wherein your HGH levels start decreasing dramatically. This is part of what drives the aging process. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and don’t exercise, your HGH levels will drop even further.
Thankfully, peak fitness exercises can naturally raise your growth hormone levels.
How does this type of exercise achieve this?
Well, you have three different types of muscle fibers: slow, fast, and super-fast. Most people, including many athletes such as marathon runners, only train using their slow muscle fibers, which is what you do when you do traditional aerobic cardio and strength training. This has the unfortunate effect of causing the super-fast fibers to decrease.
Performing high-intensity burst cardio like Peak 8 exercises, however, engages your super-fast or white muscle fibers, which are 10 times faster than slow fibers.
Engaging your super-fast muscle fibers is the key to producing HGH!
The longer your body produces high levels of HGH, the longer you can preserve robust health and strength.
If you do Peak Fitness workouts twice a week and eat according to your nutritional type (Dr. Mercola now offers the entire online nutritional typing test for free!), then you will naturally increase your production of growth hormone. Click here to see the full article.
peace & love
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Pee-jay hearts Pink lips
Fluoro lips were all the rage at the Fendi S/S11 show, and are definitely a look I'll be recreating this summer. Anyone can wear hot pink lips, as long as you pick the right shade for your skin tone and keep the rest of your make up simple. I have a few different lipsticks in pink, so what I do is mix them, to get that perfect shade that just feels right when I apply it.
To re-create Rhi Rhi's hot fuchsia lip I use Napoleon Perdis' China Doll Eyeliner in Alabaster with DeVine Goddess Lipstick in Calypso. Blend a little bit of both products on the back of your hand with a lip brush before applying to lips and VOILA!
To re-create Rhi Rhi's hot fuchsia lip I use Napoleon Perdis' China Doll Eyeliner in Alabaster with DeVine Goddess Lipstick in Calypso. Blend a little bit of both products on the back of your hand with a lip brush before applying to lips and VOILA!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Pee-jays going green
As well as being green to the environment I’m loving the khaki green that is feathering our stores left right and centre. Sick of the black boyfriend blazers you lived in throughout winter? It's time to turn a new leaf and invest in a khaki military style jacket or shirt! Team with denim cut offs, a crochet knit top and open toe ankle boots or wedges for a bang on trend spring look! Loving Alexa Chung here working the khaki shirt to match her tomboy style.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pee-jay has USA fever
Not sure if its due to the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks or that my be-loved room mate is making the big move to USA next week, but I’m heart-ting anything and everything USA-esk at the moment… you name it, hot pieces of clothing (boys & girls), Pop-inspired artwork, the token USA jewellery (horses, eagles, usa flags)..….and I would take it as far as American men. …I’m a sucker for accents (who isn’t) and that type of guy that looks like I’ve-just graduated Harvard slash Ralph Lauren model look. Click here to check out the Ralph Lauren Big Pony Collection commercial on Youtube for a squiz at a few American hotties.
Peace & love & all things USA
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Pee-jay ♥'s kisses
Life is for deep kisses
Strange Adventures
Midnight Swims and
Rambling conversations.
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