Wednesday, September 30, 2009

pee-jay hearts float tanks

Pay money to float in a tank?? Some friends thought it was weird when I said I was going to have a “float tank session” and massage last week. The massage part, they understood, but the float tank session needed a little more explaining. A float tank is a large bath of warm water containing a highly concentrated salt solution to increase buoyancy, which allows you to float effortlessly….

So let me explain the experience, you have your own private room (or double if you wish to do it with a friend or partner- not like you can chat the whole time but what ever you prefer), you use the shower in the room before hoping into the float tank which resembles a coffin slash bath slash cocoon like capsule and lay down in it as you were to float in the pool or bath…….it’s not even 30 centre meters deep but as soon as you lay down in the water your body emerges to the top of the water……you are given an inflatable head rest much like a travel pillow you would take on a plane……….and once you shut the door on yourself (this is optional but I would recommend for the full experience) you suddenly are immersed in darkness floating on top of the warm salty water, with calming and relaxing music quietly playing in the background…… the music plays for 10 minutes and then you are left in silence (by the way this session goes for 1 hour and the music will start playing again 10 minutes before you have to get out)…….. I am laying there accustoming myself to the feeling of being weightless (its really quite relaxing) and wondering what I am going to for a whole hour…my mind starts to wonder and thoughts are entering my mind left right and centre about my day and what I have to do for tomorrow… I going to the gym in the morning? What should I pack for lunch? What should I have for dinner? I float in my coffin slash bath slash cocoon….. my back starts to crack and it makes slight adjustments all by itself…like if a chiropractor was working on you…….weird feeling but ultimate result……it was unwinding me from a long day………and before I know it I have fallen asleep…..i could have been drifting out to see from the way I was feeling………..40 minutes later I am being woken up by the music that has gently started to play again (along the lines of enya slash rainforest mix) …….wow that went fast…..and yes…I feel amazing……

So as it states on the website “The silence, safety and comfort of the environment is naturally conducive to relaxation and peace of mind.”…. which is 100% spot on, I would recommend it if you want total peace of mind and relaxation….

I followed it up with a one hour sports massage which just topped off the session and my night…… gosh I slept like a baby that night…. For anyone that wants to give it a go…. at Bondi junction has a 2 hours of bliss special at the moment- 1 hour float tank + 1 hour body massage for $100….

Spoil yourself…your worth it….

Xx pee-jay

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

pee-jay hearts

Eat. Pray. Love = amaaazing. I’m only onto page 35 but I find myself picking up the book any second I have free. I mean before work, after work, in my breaks, at the gym (yes whilst on the cross trainer) and even when I’m stopped at red lights (is this illegal?) I started reading this book after many many many recommendations from friends. “Life changing….inspiring….. challenging…..were just a few remarks that were made.

“One women’s search for everything” is the caption on the front of the book. It is about a New York writer who embarks on a journey of self discovery after surviving a very exasperating divorce (true story). The author decides to visit Italy (to learn Italian-because she had always wanted to), India (to pray and hope to find a spiritual connection with herself) and Indonesia (I’m not sure why she goes here yet).

So only after 35 pages, I can tell you- that the book (or her story) has inspired met to go on an adventure of my own. I have always wanted to teach English in Japan after studying the language for over 8 years. So Monday morning, I find myself downloading an application form to teach English in Japan. Crazy-I know- but I thought to myself, why do I have to go through a hard divorce and any other adversity to realize that I should have done a lot of these types of things while I was still young.

So enough blogging for today, and back to reading…….I will update you on a) the progress of the book and b) my application for Japan (I have to write and essay and am not in the mood whilst the book is unfinished).

Xx pee-jay

PS. I also attended a meditation class on Monday night-very strange, but very relaxing (inspired by Eat,pray,love). To paint a quick picture of the night…..I was sitting cross legged on a small bean bag seat, in someone’s converted lounge room, singing in Tibetan with a group of people I have never met before…..ok there is too much to write right now….I will blog on this a bit later.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pee jay hearts signs….

I don’t know why I find a really old, rusty, or almost unreadable signs quite likeable.......... On my last trip to Europe I took a fancy to snapping up a string of unrelated signs. From welcome signs to street signs to stop signs- signs of any type. Being a tourist I really appreciated when the signs were in English. To my dismay, I found many signs or conglomerates of signs posted over one another like a messy-layered sandwich- pointing in opposite directions but supposedly leading to the same destinations. Here are a few of my favourite. I liked taking photographs of these as the picture tells the story of the location without describing anything.

xx pee-jay

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pee-jay hearts vegetarian cooking

After 10 days of detoxing (doctor’s orders) my eyes & skin are clear and I have so much ENERGY. My friends keep commenting that my eyes are ridiculously blue- I wonder what addictives or preservatives in the food that we eat-diminish the colour of our eyes- they should probably write that on the label- “may diminish your eye colour.” I’m sure we would think twice about eating the bread or biscuits we buy from the supermarket if it had that type of warning.

It’s funny when you cut out things like coffee, alcohol, red meat, wheat, sugar and dairy how amazing you look and feel. You are probably thinking- what the hell can you eat on this detox? But there are plenty or vegetables, whole grains, fruits and organic meat combinations hat you can choose from-the hardest thing is knowing what to chose when dining out and having your meals prepared in advance.

The difficult aspect about detoxing is socializing, sticking to your “allowed foods” OR having friends trying to entice you with temptations. Once you start saying no, I feel like I am empowered with the strength to keep saying no. I almost came undone over the weekend when my flat mate and friends tried to convince me that one cocktail would be ok …..but I was strong! I knew if I had one cocktail, it would lead to one more, and one more after that, knowing my addictive personality I would have had 100.

I've copped a few weird looks from my flat mate when preparing my beetroot, asparagus & chickpea salads for lunch or whipping up a berry, flaxseed, rice bran & protein shake.....but it's all worth it in the end. She even asked if I could make her one, hoping it would fix her hangover.

Laurie’s vegetarian on Bondi rd, has been a life saver- thank you Laurie! Lentils, chickpeas, vegetarian lasagne, brown rice salads- yum… I feel full and satisfied after the meal and don’t miss the meat, dairy or wheat at all…..I encourage you all to go there and try the delicious meals and see how good you feel. So all you out there that have been wanting to detox but can't find the best time-NOW is the best time to detox before the summer partying starts. Cos your always going to have a birthday or dinner or long boozy lunch that your going to have to attend. You new healthy lifestyle awaits.

Pee-jay’s organic favourites:

Laurie’s vegetarian
Whole foods- Danks Street

Xx pee-jay

Monday, September 7, 2009

pee-jay ♥'s

welcome to "pee-jay heart's.........." blog page
pee-jay was looking for a way to express her thoughts, findings and creations.........Her sister sent her a link to a beautiful and moving blog on "love" this morning which inspired pee-jay to start one herself.... it is her first time blogging so be patient as pee-jay takes you on a journey of her many loves in her world.....