It’s funny when you cut out things like coffee, alcohol, red meat, wheat, sugar and dairy how amazing you look and feel. You are probably thinking- what the hell can you eat on this detox? But there are plenty or vegetables, whole grains, fruits and organic meat combinations hat you can choose from-the hardest thing is knowing what to chose when dining out and having your meals prepared in advance.
The difficult aspect about detoxing is socializing, sticking to your “allowed foods” OR having friends trying to entice you with temptations. Once you start saying no, I feel like I am empowered with the strength to keep saying no. I almost came undone over the weekend when my flat mate and friends tried to convince me that one cocktail would be ok …..but I was strong! I knew if I had one cocktail, it would lead to one more, and one more after that, knowing my addictive personality I would have had 100.
I've copped a few weird looks from my flat mate when preparing my beetroot, asparagus & chickpea salads for lunch or whipping up a berry, flaxseed, rice bran & protein shake.....but it's all worth it in the end. She even asked if I could make her one, hoping it would fix her hangover.
Laurie’s vegetarian on Bondi rd, has been a life saver- thank you Laurie! Lentils, chickpeas, vegetarian lasagne, brown rice salads- yum… I feel full and satisfied after the meal and don’t miss the meat, dairy or wheat at all…..I encourage you all to go there and try the delicious meals and see how good you feel. So all you out there that have been wanting to detox but can't find the best time-NOW is the best time to detox before the summer partying starts. Cos your always going to have a birthday or dinner or long boozy lunch that your going to have to attend. You new healthy lifestyle awaits.
Pee-jay’s organic favourites:
Laurie’s vegetarian
Whole foods- Danks Street
Xx pee-jay

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