We are all probably feeling a little sluggish after over indulging over the festive season and I am guessing most of us didn’t stick to our strict exercise-diet regime over the holidays. Correct? Well there is a simple way that we can help flush out those nasties with not too much effort.

A simple way to flush away those extra toxins that we ate, drank and nibbled on through the silly season, and continued to snack on over the 1st, 2nd and every day until the turkey and pudding was gone, is taking a pro-biotic. On rising, take a good pro-biotic on an empty stomach and before your breakfast. I like Inner health plus (dairy free) or Nourishing Flora Multi-pro-biotic blend. This will help to re-balance the good bacteria in your intestinal tract and will almost give you immediate relief from the bloating caused by overeating and drinking excess amounts of alcohol. Other benefits from taking this supplement is clearer skin, and increased immune system functions. Make sure you buy the pro-biotic that has been refrigerated and take the bottle straight home to your refrigerator to keep the bacteria live.

Secondly, in addition to the pro-biotic, another way to flush away those extra toxins is liquid chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level and is known to help cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems. Chlorophyll consumption increases the number of red blood cells and, therefore, increase oxygen utilization by the body. Chlorophyll also reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs. It also breaks down calcium oxalate stones for elimination, which are created by the body for the purpose of neutralizing and disposing of excess acid.
So in addition to helping to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, chlorophyll, being highly alkaline, also gives the body the following benefits:
Anti Carcinogenic: Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods such as nuts and grains, the toxins from cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (from pollution). It blocks the metabolism in the body of harmful chemicals known as pro-carcinogens that damage DNA. Studies published in the journals Carcinogenesis and Food and Chemical Toxicology clearly display that chlorophyll inhibits carcinogenesis.
Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory: containing high levels of the vitamins A, C and E, chlorophyll has strong antioxidant capacity and has also been found to help reduce inflammation.
Chelation of Heavy Metals: chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature. It’s ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer. I’m about to have four mercury fillings removed, and you can bet that I will be getting PLENTY of chlorophyll into my body after the procedure!
Antiseptic: while chlorophyll doesn’t actually have antiseptic properties of its own, it, quite remarkably, DOES have the ability to aid our body’s tissue in destroying germs. By strengthening tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and, at the same time, prevents the growth of bacteria!
Treats Bad Breath: This one is a real bonus and really works! Chlorophyll has a double-action remedy for bad breath. Firstly, as a deodoriser, it will eliminate odours in the mouth and throat, but secondly (and more importantly) it promotes a healthy digestive tract – which is the primary reason for bad breath. And if you need more – here is another blog post on foods for bad breath!
Rapid Delivery of Magnesium: this has a highly alkalising effect on the body and helps to deliver much needed oxygen to cells and tissues.
Contains vitamin K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein: which are all also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.
You can get a spearmint flavoured Chlorophyll liquid from Coles and Woolworths for approximately $12 which will last you a couple of weeks. Take one to three teaspoons daily, mixed with a full glass of water or juice. It can also be used as a refreshing mouthwash. I take three teaspoons in water every night before I go to bed and YES it tastes pleasant.
If you are only going to do 2 things this January to aid your detox process than I recommend the probiotic and the Chlorophyll.
So if you want more energy, and cleaner insides, go and get yourself some. It’s really that easy!
Peace & love