Wednesday, August 25, 2010

pee-jay's nuts for coconuts

Along with LA and the rest of the world, I’ve recently jumped on the coconut bandwagon after discovering all the amazing benefits of the tropical fruit. Apart from the amazing aroma that reminds me of an endless summer, coconuts are jam-packed with health benefits.

I always knew coconut water was amazing for you and extremely hydrating, but I never knew how amazing coconut oil can be for you. Although coconut oil falls into the ‘saturated fat’ category, it actually possesses many healing benefits below. Plus, it is one of the only oils that is completely safe to cook with.

• Reduces risk of cancer
• Reduces risk of heart disease
• Supports immune system function
• Helps control blood sugar and diabetes
• Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
• Supplies important nutrients necessary for good health
• Contains fewer calories than other fats
• Stimulates metabolism
• Promotes reduction of excess body fat
• Helps prevent osteoporosis
• Has a long shelf life
• Is heat resistant (making it the healthiest oil for cooking)
• Helps prevent premature aging
• Helps prevent against skin cancer and age spots
• Functions as a protective antioxidant

It’s great on the skin as a all over body moisteriser (ive taken up this one last week and my skin is rakdikously soft as well as a very rich hair treatment).

I’m that blown away with the coconut butter that I purchased last week that I wanted to bottle it up and start a whole range of coconut oil based products. After a bit of google- research, I found I wasn’t the first brainiac to think of this great idea- so to let you know before you want to do the same thing, there are sooo many products on the market for you to buy!

Make sure you get some of the extra virgin organic type from your health food store- you won’t look back! I paid about $11 for a large jar, but if you want save your pennies, buy in bulk.

The jury is still out about the coconut water though....I think i prefer a fresh coconut for my afternoon beverage treat and they are cheaper too! Just make sure you get practice trying to crack one open.... check out this video here for the instructions:

Peace & love & coconut oil


Friday, August 13, 2010

Get your hippy on

I loved getting my hippie on at Splendour thaatttt much that I'm struggling to re-adapt to the 9-5 office day.....
Why is it not alright to wear tie-dye and braids to my meetings??

Sending you some peace for the weekend from pee-jay
